The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1325)

Online Initiative Features Weekly Messages on Cleaning Product Ingredients and Benefits #DiscoverClean Hashtag to Be Highlighted on ACI’s Social Media Channels The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched its new Discover Clean initiative, which will feature updated insights and information on cleaning products across ACI’s social media channels. “In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people are using cleaning and hygiene products…
People don't typically dispose of cleaning products - they use them up. Empty packages can then be recycled or discarded with other household waste. Unused amounts of cleaning products can generally be safely disposed of down the drain or in the trash. That's not the case with all products found around the home. For those products that do require special handling, such as solvent-based paints, used motor oil and…
Keeping clean and healthy when you are not at home is important. Get school cleaning resources, including tips for students and custodians. Clean Hands at School Kids get dirty, it's true... but cleaning your hands before eating and after using the restroom can help you stay healthy. Learn when, why and how you…
The use of the terms "natural" and "synthetic" to describe cleaning products has led to some confusion among consumers. The best advice is to avoid making assumptions about safety or performance based on a "natural" label alone. What do the terms "synthetic" and "natural" really mean…
Cleaning products play an essential role in our daily lives. By safely and effectively removing soils, germs and other contaminants, they help us to stay healthy, care for our homes and possessions, and make our surroundings more pleasant. Promoting Wellness Regular cleaning and disinfecting can do a good job of removing allergens and germs, helping to prevent illnesses…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) has enhanced and expanded its “Exploration Clean” online experience to further help teach middle-school students the science and chemistry behind cleaning. New features include: A new, interactive surfactant game – "Get the Dirt" Updated Science of Soap ebook Ingredients reimagined as Characters of the Cleaning Court This site relaunch is the next step in building educational modules for children describing…
Understand the language of soaps and detergents. ALCOHOL: A class of organic compounds containing one or more hydroxyl groups. The alcohols used in light duty and liquid laundry detergents are isopropanol or ethanol (ethyl alcohol). These alcohols are used at low levels in liquid detergent formulations to control viscosity, to act as a solvent for other ingredients, and to provide resistance to low and freezing temperatures encountered in shipping, warehousing, and use. &…
“The products and chemistries our industry creates are leading us to a clean and vibrant future.”       - Melissa Hockstad, ACI President & CEO Our Future Is Clean is ACI’s campaign highlighting the cleaning products industry’s efforts toward a clean, sustainable world and to promote consumers’ health and well-being.   ACI is proud to lead an industry…
A STEM classroom activity with an online resource. Have you ever thought about what soap is? This slippery, sudsy stuff we use every day does its job without us thinking much about it. We know it makes the world cleaner but do you know what makes soap soap? If you want to explore these questions, we invite you to check out "Exploration Clean". Exploration Clean is an Interactive…
ACI members can watch this event on demand. Through detailed cleaning product ingredient nomenclature and ingredient function analysis, consumer research and stakeholder engagement, ACI's Future Leaders have focused their work on how the industry can get ahead of ingredient communication issues collectively. Learn more about this work, its potential impact on the industry and closing the gap between ingredient communication and consumer understanding…