The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1092)

Washington, D.C. – January 12, 2017 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI -, the trade association for the cleaning products supply chain, announced the following staff promotions: Melissa Grande, Senior Manager, Sustainability Initiatives, to Associate Director, Sustainability Initiatives. She started with ACI in 2012. Kathleen Stanton, Director, Technical & Regulatory Affairs to Senior Director, Technical &…
Environmental and Human Safety of Major Surfactants Volume I. Anionic Surfactants Part 3. Alkyl Sulfates Final Report To: The Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10016 February 1991 Arthur D. Little, Inc. Acorn Park Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140·2390 Reference 65913 Table of Contents Synopsis I. INTRODUCTION BIBLIOGRAPHY II. CHEMISTRY A. Product Chemistry B. Analytical Methods BIBLIOGRAPHY III. BIODEGRADATION…
A Final Report ASSESSING THE I{ATER QUALITY BEI¡[]'IT ûF pOIl.íT SOURCE PHOSPI{ORUS CONTROI, IN THE JAì.íES RI\¡ER BASIN Subrnitted t<¡: The Soap and Derergcnt Association 475 Park Avenue Soutir at 32¡rd Street New York, NY 10C16 Attention: Dr. Keith A. Booman '-::::ì'rj; ,-. 'Technical Director Submi-tted by: l{u-Seng Lung, PhD, PE Assístanr Professor Report No. UVA/532533/CIi85/1.01 January 1985 SCI-¡OOL OF TNG!NEËRING,qND APPL¡ED SC¡Fh¡CE ÐEPARTÌ'ÍENT OF CIVTI, ENGINEERING UN!…
ACI members can watch this event on demand. Through detailed cleaning product ingredient nomenclature and ingredient function analysis, consumer research and stakeholder engagement, ACI's Future Leaders&nbsp;have focused their work on how the industry can get ahead of ingredient communication issues collectively. Learn more about this work, its potential impact on the industry and closing the gap between ingredient communication and consumer understanding…
Fragrance Creators Association (Fragrance Creators) President &amp; CEO Farah K. Ahmed and the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) President &amp; CEO Melissa Hockstad released a joint statement today, recognizing the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB’s) efforts to promote practical education and training related to new consumer products VOC regulations. The organizations co-hosted a one-hour webinar for members yesterday featuring Joe Calavita, Manager, Consumer…
THE FUTURE IS CLEAN 2019 Sustainability Report WHAT’S INSIDE 03 Introduction 03 How We Lead 04 What We’ve Been Doing 05 Our Sustainability Goals 06 Upholding Well-being 07 A Cleaner, Healthier World 08 Sharing Knowledge 10 Confronting Climate Change 11 The Science is Clear 12 Steps Toward Meaningful Reduction 15 Thinking Circular 16 Using Less Today for a Livable Tomorrow 17 Valuing Our Planet 22 Supporting the SDGs 23 Supporting Global Frameworks for a Fairer, More…
Updated Publication Showcases Risk Characterization Framework to Inform Development of New Enzyme Products Guidance Document Available for Free at Enzymes bring significant benefits to laundry and cleaning products, including improved cleaning efficiencies. An updated publication from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) provides a framework for consumer product manufacturers to develop appropriate risk management strategies to avoid…
American Cleaning Institute Also Launches Concise Online Portal for Ingredient Information by Brand and Company Helps Consumers Better Understand Their Cleaning Product Labels Part of ACI’s Ingredient Communication Initiative The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) unveiled two new online resources aimed at enhancing consumer understanding and access to information about cleaning product ingredients. “How to Read a Cleaning Product Label” breaks down the elements of a…
Automatic dishwashers represent a tremendous saving in time and effort; they minimize breakage through reduced handling of dishes; they help keep the kitchen neater and more clutter-free; and cleanup after entertaining is simplified. These are benefits that have much appeal to consumers. In order to ensure that public health standards are maintained, hospitals and many other food service institutions are required by law to clean dishes by automatic dishwashing methods. The benefits of an…
"Grandma's recipes" for home cleaning have been a part of household lore for years. Lately, these recipes have been promoted as a "safer" alternative to commercially formulated cleaning products. While we may feel comfortable using these ingredients in cleaning applications, perhaps because some are edible, there are important facts about these recipes to consider. Ignoring these considerations may mean missing some safety assurances, spending more,…