Results (1254)
Data: Spring Cleaning Concerns, Priorities and Reasons Why People Don’t Spring Clean; Plus ACI’s Five-Step Plan for Easy Spring Cleaning
2020 ACI National Cleaning Survey Topline Springtime Results:
78% of Households Spring Clean Every Year, Prioritizing Bedrooms, Closets, Kitchens & Family Rooms
78% of Adults Agree that on a Typical Day, They'd Like Their Homes to be Cleaner
Dirtiest Spots:…
Cleaning quickly is all about having a plan. You need to tidy up, go top down and focus where your cleaning has outsized effect in terms of looking good and keeping you and your family safe.
Get Ready
Prepare to clean so you don’t waste time or resources by accident. Gather your cleaning products. Read the directions so you know you are using them safely and effectively. The label contains important information about how much…
Ever notice how one sick friend or roommate can quickly affect to the entire dorm? Keeping the dorm room clean probably isn’t the latest topic being tweeted. But keeping dorm rooms clean can help keep students healthy and doing the things that they enjoy like football games, hanging out, partying and finding some time to study!
Before your son or daughter goes off to college, equip them with the necessary supplies and understanding about the role that they can play in germ…
Washington, D.C. – November 13, 2018 – On average, Americans spend approximately six hours per week cleaning their homes, with more than a quarter (28 percent) spending over seven hours straightening up. However, roughly a third of us are concerned if it’s enough and if we’re cleaning correctly, according to survey results compiled by the American Cleaning Institute.
2018 ACI National Cleaning…
For best results, always read and follow label directions on cleaning products. Labels will give specific instructions for types of surfaces the cleaner should or shouldn't be used on, how much to use and how to use the product. Also, read and follow the use and care guides that come with fixtures, appliances and other surfaces.
Do not mix cleaning products. Products which are safe when used alone can sometimes become…
Get the jump on seasonal cleaning!
It's fall, so how about getting started with spring cleaning?! While that may sound like a contradiction in terms, stop and think about it. Warm summer months means vacations away from home and more time spent outdoors. But while you were out enjoying yourself, dirt and grime didn't take a vacation. They sat around the house, accumulating and multiplying. And, now, with the winter…
Survey Results
Q. Approximately how many hours per week, if any, do you typically spend cleaning?
10% Less than one hour
21% 1-2 hours
26% 3-4 hours
15% 5-6 hours
28% 7 hours or more
The average number of hours we clean is six, with parents spending 7 hours per week on average.
Q. Which of the following concerns, if any, do you have about cleaning?
38% Preventing illness or allergy symptoms…
Q. When you first moved to college, how prepared were you for cleaning on your own?
32% said completely prepared
50% said very prepared
14% said somewhat prepared
4% said not very prepared
0% said not at all prepared
Q. Now that you are close to the end of your college experience, do you feel prepared to clean on your own?
32% said completely prepared
50% said very prepared
14% said somewhat prepared
3% said not very prepared
1% said not at all prepared