The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1221)

Freshen Your Winter Wear! Depending on how winter clothes were stored, they can resurface with wrinkles or even a musty smell. Read on for tips on freshening up clothes so you can look your best this winter. Get Rid of That Musty Smell: After taking clothes out of storage, wash them in hot water or take them to the dry cleaner before wearing them. You can also tackle stubborn musty smells by adding white vinegar, borax, or…
Q: I suspect that our new backyard has some poison ivy. If I wear gloves, long sleeves and long pants to protect me, how do I clean these clothes when I'm finished gardening so I don't spread the poison ivy?  A: You are right to be concerned. Poison ivy produces a resin called urushiol. This resin is the culprit that triggers allergic rash reactions in most people. When it remains on unwashed clothing, it is still active. Avoid touching your clothes…
Cleaning fine washables for picture perfect portraits Holiday portraits, with family members dressed in their best, are cherished momentos. Whether it's a once-in-lifetime event or a yearly tradition for your family, looking good is the goal. Portrait-worthy Fabrics Clothes that are clean and sparkling are the perfect complement to those smiling faces. To make sure your garments are portrait worthy, the American Cleaning Institute…
One of the main uses for cleaning products is washing clothes and dishes. Each load of clothes and dishes requires water, and energy is often used to heat that water. While one load of laundry or dishes may seem like a small task, when you consider all the times we run the washing machine or dishwasher in a week and multiply that by all the households doing the same thing, it adds up! The good news is that our washing machines and dishwashers…
We love fresh fall breezes, but not when it blows dust and grime into our home. Here are some tips for cleaning the entire window, coverings, sills and glass: Window Sills and Frames: Remove dirt and debris. Use a small broom or vacuum window frames and sills to get rid of dust, soot, cobwebs, and dead insects. Wipe plastic or vinyl frames and sills with cleaning wipes. If you use a spray product, be sure to spray the product on cloth, and…
Are you a caregiver for a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia? If you are caring for an individual who is diagnosed with or showing signs or symptoms of dementia, all cleaning products, including laundry packets, should be stored in a locked cabinet or a closet when not in use. Liquid laundry packets contain highly concentrated detergent. If not safely stored or handled properly, laundry packets can lead to injury from ingestion…
Living/Dining Rooms and Bedrooms serve up different types of challenges. Dust and dirt tracked in on shoes ... spill and stains on carpets and upholstery ... rings on wood surfaces. But here again, there are products that meet the challenges. Use rugs or mats at all entrances to catch dirt and grit that can build up on floors and carpets. Choose a soft cotton cloth or paper towel for cleaning glass surfaces. Fabric softener on cleaned cloths can leave a residue; extra…
The warm summer months are here and with it come the small shifts we make with the change of seasons. Jackets may get packed away and lighter clothes get pulled out. If you’re ready to transition to summer, here are some tips to get you ready: Store Seasonal Clothing Summer in many parts of the country mean fewer layers. It’s time to put heavier clothes into storage and make room for some summer finery. But don't just…
How To Clean to Get Your House Ready for Sale! Tips for Getting It Buyer-Ready When a house is for sale, the goal is to make it as attractive as possible to potential buyers. The most cost-efficient way to spruce up the home is to clean it thoroughly. Here's how to clean your house from top to bottom fast. Getting Rid of Clutter Many potential buyers may not see past dirt and clutter. If the house is crowded with the owner's "stuff," they will assume…