The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1217)

1 1 1 i I j j : 1 COMPILED BY THE GLYCERINE PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION USES OF GLYCERINE T HE unusual combination of properties of glycerine has resulted in its use in a great variety of products and processes. Some of these uses depend on its physical properties such as hygroscopicity, viscosity or high ,boiling point - while others depend on its chemical properties. In many cases it may be a combination of several of its properties, both physical and chemical, which make…
Your teeth are clean. But is your bathroom? Whether your children are learning how to brush their teeth or water splashed and left spots, how do you keep the mirror clean? It’s wonderful that you’ve convinced your children to brush their teeth. But unfortunately, good oral hygiene often comes with a mess – toothpaste globs and schmears on the counter and mirror. Not to worry. With a little bit of elbow grease and the right product, your bathroom can look as good as new. (Until the next…
Handling tnzymes Detergent Industry The Soap and Detergent Association New York, NY This document is written for use by the cleaning products industry. It may also be used as a reference by other industries employing enzyme technology. However, the practices set forth in this document are offered solely as references for coinpanies. involved in handling enzymes within the soap and detergent industry. The information pre- sented here may not be entirely…
Q. My child plays little league baseball, and his socks and uniform get so dirty. What’s the best way to clean them? A. First, pretreat with a prewash stain remover. Look for a stain remover that contains enzymes to remove the grass stains. Then, launder in the hottest water that’s safe for the fabric, using a bleach that’s safe for the fabric. Repeat procedure if necessary. For dirt stains, brush off as much residue as possible. (If the dirt is actually mud, let the mud dry…
Cleaning quickly is all about having a plan. You need to tidy up, go top down and focus where your cleaning has outsized effect in terms of looking good and keeping you and your family safe. Get Ready Prepare to clean so you don’t waste time or resources by accident. Gather your cleaning products. Read the directions so you know you are using them safely and effectively. The label contains important information about how much product you…
Whether for move out cleaning or just keeping your place, here are the tasks that should be on your list. Just because you don’t "own" your place doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a regular cleaning routine to keep your environment fresh and in good condition. Cleaning on a regular basis makes the job easier when you do tackle these tasks – and what’s more, keeping your rental in good shape helps ensure that you’ll get your deposit…
Q: I unpacked my tent to get ready for the camping season, and found there was mold growing in the folds. How do I clean it without ruining the water-resistant properties? A: If possible, start by contacting the tent manufacturer for specific directions. If this isn't possible, wait for a warm, sunny day and then set up your tent in a shady location. Shake or brush off dirt and any other debris that can be easily removed. Fill a bucket with warm water, add a few squirts of…
You can keep your home clean despite your pets and for your pets with these tips. Cleaning For Pet Health Sometimes our pets get sick. A fur-baby can catch a virus, pick up bacteria, or become host to parasites. Prevention is key. Pets should receive regular vaccinations. See your veterinarian for the best guide in determining the timing of vaccinations for dogs, cats and other pets. There are also things you can do around the house to help keep your animal…
For best results, always read and follow label directions on cleaning products. Labels will give specific instructions for types of surfaces the cleaner should or shouldn't be used on, how much to use and how to use the product. Also, read and follow the use and care guides that come with fixtures, appliances and other surfaces. Do not mix cleaning products. Products which are safe when used alone can sometimes become dangerous if mixed with other…
For spring cleaning, plan your work, then work your plan. You can tackle your spring cleaning checklist quickly, all at once or in smaller chunks of time. Each of the tasks on our list takes just a few minutes, so you can decide how to break it up. Prep for Spring Cleaning Day(s): Inventory your supplies and add what’s missing to your grocery list Make a to-do list for what you want to clean, then divide it up by task or room Window…