The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (255)

Steve Tanner is the 2022 recipient of the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI) Elva Walker Spillane Distinguished Service Award, in recognition of his exceptional contributions to the cleaning product supply chain and to ACI. Mr. Tanner is currently Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Arylessence, Inc. As a business leader, Steve has always encouraged close working partnerships among major consumer product companies, manufacturers, ingredient suppliers, and the fragrance industry…
Online Campaign Features Daily Reminders on Proper Cleaning and Hygiene in the Age of COVID-19 #SafeAndCleanAtHome Hashtag Highlighted on ACI’s Social Media Channels The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched its new Safe and Clean at Home initiative, featuring daily cleaning challenges, tips and ideas to help all of us to clean smart while we’re spending so much more time around the house. You can find the daily #SafeAndCleanAtHome posts on…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) hosted its largest Capitol Hill fly-in event on June 14 for member companies to engage with congressional offices on the need to establish a national standard for cleaning product ingredient communication. As consumers seek more information about their cleaning products, a national labeling standard for cleaning product ingredients would ensure this information is consistent, transparent, and accessible to consumers across…
What’s the number one product that is stocked in 83% of our homes? According to the survey, the answer is a toilet or bathroom cleaner (which makes sense since bathrooms are one of the most used rooms in the house). Learn more.
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI), Consumer Brands Association (Consumer Brands), and Household & Commercial Products Association (HCPA) submitted comments to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) regarding waiver guidance pertaining to a law that limits the amount of 1,4-dioxane that can be present in household cleansing products sold or offered for sale in New York State. In the comments, the associations specifically asked NYSDEC to consider the…
  Gov. Cuomo Urged to Work for Collaborative, Pragmatic Solution The CEOs of associations representing the household and commercial cleaning product supply chain are urging Governor Andrew Cuomo to prevent the serious consequences of legislation that could effectively take many products off store shelves across the state of New York. The legislation in question (S. 4389B/A. 6295A) is aimed at banning a manufacturing byproduct to help improve water quality in Long Island.&nbsp…
Brought to you in partnership with:  Experts agree that frequent hand washing is one of the first lines of defense against illness. Along with hand washing, ensuring surfaces that you come into contact are free of germs is another important line of defense against the spread of germs or pathogens (disease causing bacteria, viruses or fungi). High touch surfaces such as door knobs, switches, and shopping cart handles are some places where cleaning may not be enough to ensure that…