The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (143)

Summer is a time when everyone just wants to kick back and relax. While taking care of soil and grime "in the moment" may seem a bit contrary to how you want to approach summer, in fact, fast attention to the grime gremlins can be a real time-saver. If you’re headed to the beach or the pool this summer, here are some tips for keeping clean and ready to relax:  Beach Gear Packing When it’s time to hit the beach, be sure to throw these items in for an easy and…
February 8, 2019
Choose and properly use the right products to help prevent illness every day! Keeping your child care facility clean is vital for the health, safety and well-being of children and you. One of the most important steps you can take to reduce the spread of germs (i.e. bacteria, viruses and fungi) is keeping your environment clean throughout the day. Daily Practices That Matter… Wash your hands often Understand the difference between cleaning, sanitizing and…
December 6, 2018
Cleaning: This involves removing unwanted contaminants, such as soil, dirt and grease, from a surface, material, or your hands. It’s usually what you’re doing when washing with soap and water. Cleaning along with rinsing and using a cloth or paper towel may remove some germs as well when they’re washed or wiped away. Sanitizing: When sanitizing, you’re reducing (but not necessarily eliminating) the number of germs on the surface to levels considered safe as determined by
March 9, 2021
Follow These Rules for Keeping Uniforms Spotless Keeping school, work and sports uniforms looking their best starts in the laundry room! By following these basic guidelines, you can help a uniform to last the entire season – and even beyond. 1. Start with the "right fit." A too-tight uniform can cause excess perspiration (and resulting stains), and one that drags in the sleeves or hem can pick up extra soil. So when possible, try for a uniform that…
February 8, 2019
A clean workplace helps contribute to employee health and well-being. Clean Workspace A clean workspace can keep you from organized and efficient as well as keeping you from getting sick. Learn More Clean Hands at Work Work is a place where…
February 8, 2019
When the busy holiday season is on the horizon, get a head start by prepping your bakeware and serving items in advance. Follow these quick tips: Spiff Up Your "Old Standbys." Throughout the year, cooking certain types of food – like recipes with cheese, gravies, eggs or pie fillings – can leave baked-on residue or food stains on your favorite cooking/baking dishes. In addition to having "recipe residue," your non-stick cookware can also be susceptible to…
February 8, 2019
Laundry can be a good focus chores and tasks can be given to toddlers on up, however the most important place to start is what not to do. First, teach the importance of laundry safety. Our child activity sheet can help, along with the other resources and information available in our Packets Up! campaign. Next, sorting is a good place to start. It's important to wash like with like. So, teach them to check garment labels. All clothing and fabrics that call for the same…
March 7, 2019
Q. Our whole family loves to color Easter eggs. Despite laminated aprons and a plastic tablecloth, the kids manage to get the dye on their clothes. How can I remove it? A. Pretreat stains with a pre-wash stain remover, and then launder. If the stain remains, mix a solution of 1/4 cup of oxygen bleach or 1/4 cup of chlorine bleach (if safe for the fabric) per gallon of cool water. Soak for 30 minutes. Rinse, and then launder.
March 11, 2019
Ever notice how one sick friend or roommate can quickly affect to the entire dorm? Keeping the dorm room clean probably isn’t the latest topic being tweeted. But keeping dorm rooms clean can help keep students healthy and doing the things that they enjoy like football games, hanging out, partying and finding some time to study! Before your son or daughter goes off to college, equip them with the necessary supplies and understanding about the role that they can play in germ control. Help your…
December 6, 2018
Schools may be out for summer, but this is no time to relax your handwashing habits. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, keeping hands clean through improved hand hygiene is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Everything you need to know about handwashing you probably learned in preschool. But, if you forgot, here’s a reminder of the steps for washing your hands: Wet your hands with clean,…
December 6, 2018