The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (77)

You can use degreasers on most surfaces, like food preparation areas, oven hoods, pots and pans, stove tops, and countertops. But make sure you check the product label first! Never mix the degreaser with other cleaning products.
March 20, 2023
The 2023 ACI Annual Meeting & Industry Convention is coming to a close. Make sure you check out the second issue of ACI’s Convention News, published by Chemical Week, at the following link. You can also read Chemical Week’s comprehensive coverage of cleaning product supply chain and chemical industry news by clicking on the following link. You can also look back at daily highlights of ACI’s Convention Week using the hashtag #2023ACI on LinkedIn and Twitter.
February 3, 2023
Q. What areas in the home do or did you prioritize when babyproofing? - 78% prioritize babyproofing the living room. - 69% prioritize babyproofing the kitchen. - 65% prioritize babyproofing the nursery/other bedrooms. - 63% prioritize babyproofing the bathroom. - 51% prioritize babyproofing the dining room. - 50% prioritize babyproofing the laundry room. - 50% prioritize babyproofing the stairs. Q. How prepared do you or did you feel to properly and safely use cleaning
June 26, 2023
Sustainability Q. Approximately what percentage of the time that you do laundry do you use cold, warm, and hot water? Please consider the temperature used for the main wash cycle? 44% say they wash their laundry in cold water 50% or more of the time that they do laundry.  30% say they wash their laundry in warm water 50% or more of the time that they do laundry. 23% say they wash their laundry in hot water 50% or more of the time that they do laundry. Q. How often do you rinse dishes in the…
March 6, 2023
As we head into the time of year for spring cleaning, it’s a good time to check your cleaning supplies. For effective cleaning, make sure products are within their use by date and you restock anything running low. 
March 20, 2023
Q. Thinking about your college kid(s), how prepared do you feel they are to clean their own space? - 26% said completely prepared - 38% said very prepared - 29% said somewhat prepared - 5% said not very prepared - 2% said not at all prepared Q. Which of the following, if any, do you think prevents your college kid(s) from keeping their space clean? - 56% said lack of motivation - 46% said lack of time - 24% said roommate(s) get in the way of them cleaning - 17% said don’t…
July 19, 2023
The following questions were asked of 1,015 Generation Y adults (501 men and 514 women ages 18-29). The independent consumer research study was completed by Echo Research March 2-6, 2011, on behalf of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent. Which of the following best describes your current living arrangements? Live with at least one other person (76%) Spouse or significant other (28%) Parents (19%) Roommates –…
December 6, 2018