Results (331)
Q. Can sponges be sanitized in the microwave?
Using the microwave can be risky. Unless the sponge is soaking wet, there is the possibility of starting a fire. In addition, the size of the sponge and the amount of power in the microwave are variables that influence how long you would need to zap it to kill germs. A better way is to soak the sponge for five minutes in a solution of one quart water to three tablespoons of chlorine bleach. Let the sponge air-dry.…
We love fresh fall breezes, but not when it blows dust and grime into our home. Here are some tips for cleaning the entire window, coverings, sills and glass:
Window Sills and Frames:
Remove dirt and debris. Use a small broom or vacuum window frames and sills to get rid of dust, soot, cobwebs, and dead insects. Wipe plastic or vinyl frames and sills with cleaning wipes. If you use a spray product, be sure to…
Bathrooms are where the cleaning challenges can really get tough. There are so many surfaces: chrome, brass, glass, porcelain, fiberglass ... plus a wide variety of soils: hard water deposits, soap film, rust stains and mildew, not to mention germs. An assortment of effective cleaning products is available for these jobs.
Cleaning Tips
Rinse the tub after each use to keep soap film and hard water deposits…
From her many jobs as cook, cleaner, grocery shopper, chauffeur and social director, mom typically receives just one day off a year - Mother's Day.
In a 2000 national survey by American Cleaning Institute, 82 percent of moms said that they would like to see the housework vacation that they enjoy on Mother's Day happen more often.
"Today's mothers have to juggle so many more responsibilities than they did when the first Mother's Day was celebrated in…
Five Great Ways to Show Dad you Care
Does Dad really need another tie for Father’s Day? Is a bottle of after-shave going to ring his chimes? Probably not! So this year, how about something really different? What busy dads are short on is time to care for the “stuff” that fills their lives. Here are some ideas for gifting him with a surprise cleanup.
1. His Grill: A warm grill is easier to clean than a cold one. So fire it up, and then let it cool until…
Spring cleaning is a time-honored American household tradition promoting a boosted mood, better focus, and overall relaxation. Go through our resources below and see how to best optimize your cleaning and organization!
Spring Cleaning Planning
Spring cleaning can be overwhelming unless you go in with a plan.…
Summer’s here, and with it, the increased awareness of, and need for, sunscreen. We need the protection, but our tile floors? Not so much. Fortunately, there are easy ways to clean up when we accidentally slather and spray SPF on surfaces other than our skin.
While that’s definitely good news for you and your kids, it sounds like the family wardrobe didn’t make out as well. But don’t fear; most commercially available bug sprays and sunscreens do wash out relatively easily. First,…
Get the jump on seasonal cleaning!
It's fall, so how about getting started with spring cleaning?! While that may sound like a contradiction in terms, stop and think about it. Warm summer months means vacations away from home and more time spent outdoors. But while you were out enjoying yourself, dirt and grime didn't take a vacation. They sat around the house, accumulating and multiplying. And, now, with the winter…
A STEM classroom activity with an online resource.
Have you ever thought about what soap is? This slippery, sudsy stuff we use every day does its job without us thinking much about it. We know it makes the world cleaner but do you know what makes soap soap? If you want to explore these questions, we invite you to check out "Exploration Clean". Exploration Clean is an Interactive Online Resource to help students (and adults) understand the science…
Computer Cleaning:
Hotspots for Germs in the Office
Think about all the "public" surfaces you touch on your way to work – railings, door handles, coins and tokens, cash machines, elevator buttons and more. Then, when you get to your destination, washing your hands probably isn't the first thing you do. Instead, you probably grab a cup of coffee and turn on your computer. If you power up before you clean up, all the germs and bacteria that commuted with you are…