The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (38)

The workshop series will focus on implementing hands-on science lessons in the classroom using the 5E Instructional Model and CEF’s You Be The Chemist™ Activity Guides.
September 10, 2019
Litchfield Middle School Students Promote Lifelong Lessons on Handwashing and Hygiene  "Healthy Schools, Healthy People" Award Given by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Minnesota FCCLA Chapter Teaches 500 Children about Hand Hygiene and the Benefits of Cleaning Products  A group of Minnesota middle-schoolers knows a thing or two about teaching the meaning of clean. Now, they are receiving…
May 17, 2019
Agency Considers New Regulatory Category for Key Germ Killing Ingredients ACI: FDA May Be Taking “Restrictive Approach” Towards Active Ingredients The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) submitted in-depth data and information to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to update the agency’s review of germ-killing antiseptic hand cleaning products that are widely used in commercial food handling settings.    In July 22 comments submitted to FDA, ACI recommended that the agency…
July 24, 2019
As dishes are cleared from tables in millions of homes this Thanksgiving, those celebrating can save a significant amount of water by scraping their dishes instead of rinsing them before they are put into the dishwasher. The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) and American Cleaning Institute (ACI) are asking consumers to take this simple step to conserve water and create a more sustainable Thanksgiving. “Nearly 90 million households across the U.S. have…
November 20, 2022
If you’ve never used bleach and have questions about it, we’ve got you covered. Bleach is great for disinfecting surfaces, clothes, and linens. Other types of soaps and detergents are better for routine cleaning. Bleach is for when you want to sanitize, as well as get your clothes nice and bright.
December 3, 2019
Polyvinyl Alcohol Film (PVA/PVOH) Contributes to Concentrated Detergent Products Used by Millions of Households Everyday Decades of Real-World Science Demonstrate Environmental/Human Safety and Biodegradability of PVA/PVOH The American Cleaning Institute (ACI), the trade association for the U.S. cleaning product supply chain, issued the following statement in response to a petition from non-governmental organizations calling for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to…
November 15, 2022
Your laundry can help save the planet. When you take good care of your wardrobe, you can help the environment and toss fewer items for being faded or stained.
April 29, 2019
Without cleaning products, life as we know it couldn’t exist. Soaps and the other cleaners we use every day prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. We rely on them to thwart the common cold, to sterilize operating rooms, to clean up after disasters, to avert foodborne illnesses, and to keep our homes and clothes looking better and lasting longer. This, of course, is just the beginning of the importance of soap.
December 3, 2019
While we can’t control when natural disasters will affect us, we can take charge of how prepared we are to handle them. Cleaning supplies are important to have on hand during natural disasters – whether you are staying at home or heading for higher ground. Depending on the emergency, water may be unclean or scarce, germs or bacteria may be rampant, or you may simply need a way to keep clean on the go. Get the list of the cleaning supplies you should have on hand…
December 3, 2019
While it’s always recommended to treat clothing stains as quickly as possible, some stains are are just so tough (grass, ink, blood, grease, etc.) that it’s even more important to pre-treat them right away. It’s always best to test a hidden area of the fabric first, in case the fabric is too delicate. Also, if you haven’t already tried enzyme detergents, get one! Learn how to treat the touch stains!
December 3, 2019