Results (151)
Understand the language of soaps and detergents.
ALCOHOL: A class of organic compounds containing one or more hydroxyl groups. The alcohols used in light duty and liquid laundry detergents are isopropanol or ethanol (ethyl alcohol). These alcohols are used at low levels in liquid detergent formulations to control viscosity, to act as a solvent for other ingredients, and to provide resistance to low and freezing temperatures encountered in shipping,…
However long it takes you, ACI has a few suggestions for addressing the ABCs of spring cleaning.
A is for Asthma and Allergy Triggers
During this challenging winter, many of us were snowed in with our pets whose dander is one of the most common triggers. Compound that with a few months of everyday dust and the tiniest unwelcome guests who seek shelter in our homes during cold weather, and it’s time to do away with the "A."
Have an allergen control plan. Clean one…
Experts agree that frequent handwashing is one of the first lines of defense against many illnesses. But no matter how many times you wash your hands, there are always some sneaky little germs lurking around to hitch a ride on your skin. They loiter on shopping cart handles, linger on light switches, lurk about the phone and even hang around on the remote controls. That's why disinfectants and disinfecting cleaners can be a helpful option…
The ingredients in your cleaning products fall into several different categories, added to provide different characteristics and cleaning functions. Each product formula is a careful balance of various ingredients that will work best for what you are trying to clean.
For more information about the specific ingredients in a cleaning product, visit the manufacturer's website or look for the product in SmartLabel…
Q How Does Cleaning Affect Your Health? A. Personal hygiene and regular housecleaning are essential to good health and cleaning products can help. Frequent handwashing is key to preventing the spread of microorganisms (also known as microbes or germs) that cause many common illnesses. And regular cleaning of surfaces in the home removes dirt and food particles on which germs can grow.In addition, cleaning and…
We love fresh fall breezes, but not when it blows dust and grime into our home. Here are some tips for cleaning the entire window, coverings, sills and glass:
Window Sills and Frames:
Remove dirt and debris. Use a small broom or vacuum window frames and sills to get rid of dust, soot, cobwebs, and dead insects. Wipe plastic or vinyl frames and sills with cleaning wipes. If you use a spray product, be sure to spray the product on cloth, and then use the cloth…
Get the jump on seasonal cleaning!
It's fall, so how about getting started with spring cleaning?! While that may sound like a contradiction in terms, stop and think about it. Warm summer months means vacations away from home and more time spent outdoors. But while you were out enjoying yourself, dirt and grime didn't take a vacation. They sat around the house, accumulating and multiplying. And, now, with the winter months ahead and…
Family life runs more smoothly when there is a shared responsibility for the housework. Whether it's a simple effort like putting dirty clothes in the hamper or a major job like washing the kitchen floor, almost every family member can contribute in some way that fits his/her age and other responsibilities.
Everyone in the family can find a way to pitch in and make doing the housework easier and less of a one-person chore, regardless of experience level.
Here Is a Basic Cleaning…
The holidays can be a hectic time with visits from family and friends, shopping and cooking special meals. But cleaning doesn't have to add to your stress. Whether you’re celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza or ringing in the New Year, we have you covered with tips on everything from preparing for the holidays and hosting guests to cleaning up afterward.
Whether for move out cleaning or just keeping your place, here are the tasks that should be on your list.
Just because you don’t "own" your place doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a regular cleaning routine to keep your environment fresh and in good condition. Cleaning on a regular basis makes the job easier when you do tackle these tasks – and what’s more, keeping your rental in good shape helps ensure that you’ll get your deposit…