The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (21)

If you or your child have allergies or asthma, you already know that many things can bring on, or "trigger," an asthma flare or episode. Some things that trigger asthma attacks are called allergens. Some people get symptoms from only one allergen -  like dust mites. For other people, more than one kind of allergen can trigger an episode. Tobacco smoke is an asthma trigger. Avoid smoking in a home where a person with asthma lives…
Whether you have an infant, toddler or preschooler at home, it’s important to understand cleaning priorities and practices as kids crawl, toddle and run. Focus cleaning efforts on key places for health and wellbeing and stay ahead of cleaning safety precautions. Cleaning for Health Parents with infants do, on average, a load of laundry a day. Parents with toddlers know anything within reach will be put in their mouths eventually. And as children get older,…
We love fresh fall breezes, but not when it blows dust and grime into our home. Here are some tips for cleaning the entire window, coverings, sills and glass: Window Sills and Frames: Remove dirt and debris. Use a small broom or vacuum window frames and sills to get rid of dust, soot, cobwebs, and dead insects. Wipe plastic or vinyl frames and sills with cleaning wipes. If you use a spray product, be sure to spray the product on cloth, and then use the cloth to only clean the…
How Does Cleaning Affect Your Health?  Personal hygiene and regular housecleaning are essential to good health and cleaning products can help. Frequent handwashing is key to preventing the spread of microorganisms (also known as microbes or germs) that cause many common illnesses. And regular cleaning of surfaces in the home removes dirt and food particles on which germs can grow. In addition, cleaning and disinfecting products that contain an active…
What is the history of soap? And where did cleaning come from? This history of soap is a long one, dating back thousands of years to Ancient Babylon. Humans have built on that knowledge to create the soaps and detergents we use to clean dishes, laundry, our homes and ourselves today. Evidence has been found that ancient Babylonians understood soap making as early as 2800 BC Archeologists have found soap-like material in historic clay cylinders from this time. These…
Family life runs more smoothly when there is a shared responsibility for the housework. Whether it's a simple effort like putting dirty clothes in the hamper or a major job like washing the kitchen floor, almost every family member can contribute in some way that fits his/her age and other responsibilities. Everyone in the family can find a way to pitch in and make doing the housework easier and less of a one-person chore, regardless of experience level. Here Is a Basic Cleaning Guide:…
Understand the language of soaps and detergents. ALCOHOL: A class of organic compounds containing one or more hydroxyl groups. The alcohols used in light duty and liquid laundry detergents are isopropanol or ethanol (ethyl alcohol). These alcohols are used at low levels in liquid detergent formulations to control viscosity, to act as a solvent for other ingredients, and to provide resistance to low and freezing temperatures encountered in shipping, warehousing, and use. &…
Experts agree that frequent handwashing is one of the first lines of defense against many illnesses. But no matter how many times you wash your hands, there are always some sneaky little germs lurking around to hitch a ride on your skin. They loiter on shopping cart handles, linger on light switches, lurk about the phone and even hang around on the remote controls. That's why disinfectants and disinfecting…
Today is the perfect time to stop and think about your laundry routine. We have tips for how to get clothes clean as well as advice to make sure you’re practicing safe laundry habits, particularly around liquid laundry packets and bleach. If single-load liquid laundry packets are your go-to, always keep them safely away from children, out of reach or locked in cabinets and drawers. Laundry Safety…
Work through this checklist a few items idea, tackling a room at a time, and your home will be clean and ready for the holidays in no time! Kitchen If you plan on doing a lot of holiday cooking and entertaining, check your stockpile of aprons, potholders, dish clothes and dish towels. Make sure they’re clean and in usable condition. Clean out the refrigerator to make room for holiday goodies. Remove the contents, checking expiration dates, and discarding anything whose…