The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (11)

The Cold Water Saves Initiative educates about the benefits of cold water washing, a sustainable action that greatly benefits the environment with little effort on the individual’s part. What's in it for me? Save energy. Save your clothes. Save the planet. About 90% of the energy the washing machine uses goes towards heating the water. According to the Sierra Club, every household that switches to cold water washing could…
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No matter who you are and how many people you live with, a clean home just makes you feel good. Cleaning also helps to keep you healthy by removing dirt and reducing germs and allergens. Whether you are new to "adulting" or you grew up with Heloise, this webinar will include room-by-room cleaning tips just in time for the holidays. {"preview_thumbnail":"/sites/default/files/styles/video_embed_wysiwyg_preview/public/video_thumbnails/GNnpoICu-pA.jpg?itok…
We are sharing cleaning tips and answering your cleaning questions, so connect with us and join the conversation! Facebook - Like the ACI Facebook page to stay informed about our activities, learn about future materials or just to learn more about us. LinkedIn - Follow ACI on LinkedIn and stay up-to-date on company news, career opportunities or industry trends. Twitter - Tweets about ACI news, events and consumer advice. YouTube - Watch and share…
Are you looking for ways to reduce energy and save your clothes while doing laundry? Join us for a 30-minute webinar to learn more about the benefits of cold water washing, a sustainable action that greatly benefits the environment with little effort on the individual’s part. {"preview_thumbnail":"/sites/default/files/styles/video_embed_wysiwyg_preview/public/video_thumbnails/77IUmljBbrA.jpg?itok=D-500dNt","video_url":"…
American Cleaning Institute 1401 H Street NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005 Tel: 202-347-2900 Fax: 202-347-4110 E-mail: .mapouter{text-align:right;height:300px;width:320px;}.gmap_canvas {overflow:hidden;background:none!important;height:300px;width:320px;} Contact Us Share Topic - Select -ACI's BlogScienceProduct DonationsSpeakersEventsMembershipMedia Inquiries…
Materiality assessments provide a comprehensive evaluation of the risks and opportunities most significant to a company’s mid- to long-term success. In 2015, ACI became one of the first organizations to perform such an analysis on an industry-wide basis. Doing so has allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the sustainability issues that matter most to companies and stakeholders. Now we are using this…
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a widely used surfactant in cleaning products, cosmetic, and personal care products. SLS's uses in these products have been thoroughly evaluated and determined to be safe for consumers and the environment. What Is SLS? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), also known as Sodium dodecyl sulfate, is a…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is active in states that have a legislative, regulatory or executive mandate on cleaning product procurement in a given jurisdiction. ACI has been substantially engaged in environmentally preferable procurement issues. ACI is recognized for its contributions in many areas including standards development, and work with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on developing its environmentally preferable purchasing guidance. ACI encourages market-based…
This year, we launched our first-ever mobile app! Attendees were able to have Convention details such as the agenda, attendees list, messaging, etc. right at their fingertips! More than 1,000 business leaders came to the American Cleaning Institute’s 2018 Annual Meeting and Industry Convention, representing 176 companies and 27 countries, to network, participate in business-to-business meetings, committee meetings, receptions, charity events as well as strategic motivational speaker sessions.…