
Engagement with ACI offers you:
High-Level Business Interaction and Networking
- ACI’s Annual Convention is the Industry’s Most Effective and Efficient Forum for Sales, Marketing, and Business Planning
Year-Round Focus on Protecting Your Right to Formulate, Innovate and Compete in Today’s Global Marketplace
- ACI’s Advocacy Protects Your Intellectual Property, Product Category Reputation, and Ability to Bring Products to Market
A Seat at the Table to Address Your Priority Issues
- ACI’s Expert Committees Give You Year-Round Opportunities to Learn, Stay Informed, and Grow Your Business
Opportunities to Showcase Your Company’s Efforts on Sustainability
- ACI’s External Outreach Puts the Spotlight on the Contributions of the Cleaning Products Industry
Up-to-Date Industry Information, Outreach and Analysis
- ACI Provides You With Real-Time Updates on the Issues that Matter to Your Company
Unparalleled Forums and Partnerships to Reach Consumers and Thought Leaders
- ACI’s Valued Alliances Can Open Doors for Your Company Across the U.S. and Around the Globe