Always use the proper amount of detergent when washing. What's the right amount? Read the label and keep in mind that too much detergent or too little can leave your clothes less clean than using the optimal amount. Follow the fabric care instructions on your clothing.
Also, be sure to keep all laundry products up and out of reach of children and adults with dementia. Detergents on the market today have been formulated and tested to be safe and effective when used as directed, but need to be stored safely.
There are all sorts of options when it comes to laundry detergent choices, whether you're looking for a convenient, single-use packet or a fragrance and dye free option for sensitive skin. For more laundry information, visit our laundry basics tips, stain guide, and chart on laundering problems and solutions. Also, be sure to visit Packets Up! to learn more about strategies for safe laundry storage and use.