Results (1232)
Computer Cleaning:
Hotspots for Germs in the Office
Think about all the "public" surfaces you touch on your way to work – railings, door handles, coins and tokens, cash machines, elevator buttons and more. Then, when you get to your destination, washing your hands probably isn't the first thing you do. Instead, you probably grab a cup of coffee and turn on your computer. If you power up before you clean up, all the germs and…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) offers room by room cleaning suggestions for the many surfaces in your home.
Guidance for the
Risk Assessment of
Consumer Products
Guidance for the Risk Assessment of
Enzyme-Containing Consumer Products
The information contained in this publication was created and/or compiled by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI)®
and is offered solely to aid the reader. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but
ACI and its member companies do not make any guarantees, representations, or warranties, expressed or…
How Does Cleaning Affect Your Health?
Personal hygiene and regular housecleaning are essential to good health and cleaning products can help. Frequent handwashing is key to preventing the spread of microorganisms (also known as microbes or germs) that cause many common illnesses. And regular cleaning of surfaces in the home removes dirt and food particles on which germs can grow.
In addition, cleaning and disinfecting products that contain an active…
The Impact of
Hygiene and Cleanliness
on Health
The Soap and Detergent Association
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The Soap and Detergent Association
© 2006 The Soap and Detergent Association
© 2006 The Soap and Detergent Association
The Impact of
Hygiene and Cleanliness
on Health
Allison E. Aiello, PhD, MS, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology…
Handing Germs to Friends is Not a Nice Gesture!
It’s important for everyone – especially kids – to be aware that unwashed hands can add up to lots of germs (and illnesses) for family, friends, neighbors – and even unsuspecting strangers!
Remind kids of the many people they come in contact with in a given day – such as:
Classmates and teachers at school
Children they babysit for, or fellow workers at afterschool jobs
Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holiday
Clean Your Paws for Santa Claus!
Keep Germs Away During the Holiday Season! Download our holiday coloring sheet and share with your children as you talk to them about good hand hygiene.
With so many other good things to do during the holiday season, who wants to spend precious time being sick? The American Cleaning Institute®, shares some of her favorite tips for staying healthy…
Cleaning products play an essential role in our daily lives. Follow these cleaning tips and cleaning advice to safely and effectively removing soils, germs and other contaminants, so that you can stay healthy, care for your home and make your surroundings more enjoyable.
Where We Clean
Get quick cleaning tips for home, work, school, and more because cleaning…
Although a clean bathroom is a health benefit anytime of the year, right now it’s particularly important to be vigilant about germs.
Ever notice how one sick friend or roommate can quickly affect to the entire dorm? Keeping the dorm room clean probably isn’t the latest topic being tweeted. But keeping dorm rooms clean can help keep students healthy and doing the things that they enjoy like football games, hanging out, partying and finding some time to study!
Before your son or daughter goes off to college, equip them with the necessary supplies and understanding about the role that they can…